District Early Intervention Center Services

GMERS Hospital, Dharpur-Patan

At.Dharpur, Patan-Unjha State Highway, Patan (North Gujarat)

Hospital OPD Time : 9.00 A.M TO 1.00 P.M and 3.00 A.M TO 5.00 P.M

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Home / District Early Intervention Center Services
ઉપલબ્ધસેવાઓ Service Available

Screening of children from birth to 18 years of age group for selected health conditions including Defects at Birth, Deficiencies, Diseases & Developmental delays including disabilities.

જન્મથી૧૮વર્ષસુધીનાબાળકોનુંસ્ક્રીનીંગ: જન્મસમયનીખામીઓ, રોગો,શારીરિકવિકાસમાંઉણપઅનેવિકલાંગતા.

Medical services – for diagnostic or evaluation purposes. Medical treatment of children suffering from diseases and deficiencies.


Dental services – for problems of teeth, gums and oral hygiene in children from birth to 6 years esp. “Early Childhood Caries”

ડેન્ટલસેવાઓ:બાળકોમાંદાંત, પેઢાઅનેમોંઢાનાસ્વાસ્થ્યનીસમસ્યાઓમાટે. "અર્લીચાઇલ્ડહૂડકેરિસ (સડો)"

Occupational therapy & Physical therapy – services that relate to self-help skills, adaptive behavior and play, sensory, motor, and postural development i.e. services to prevent or lessen movement’s difficulties and related functional problems. Sensory Integration, oro-motor and feeding difficulties.

ઓક્યુપેશનલથેરાપીઅનેફિઝિકલથેરાપી:પોતાનીરોજીંદીજરૂરિયાતનીક્રિયાઓઅનેરમત, સંવેદનાત્મક,મોટરઅનેપોસ્ચરલડેવલપમેન્ટ,હલનચલનનીસમસ્યાઓનેરોકવાઅથવાઘટાડવામાટેનીસેવાઓ,સેન્સરીઇન્ટીગ્રેશન, ઓરો-મોટરઅનેખોરાકલેવામાંથતીમુશ્કેલીઓઘટાડવામાટેનીસારવાર.

Psychological services – administering and interpreting psychological tests and evaluation of a child’s behavior related to development, learning and mental health as well as planning services including counseling, consultation, parent training, behavior modification and knowledge of appropriate education programs.

સાયકોલોજિકલસેવાઓ:સાયકોલોજિકલટેસ્ટનુંસંચાલનઅનેઅર્થઘટન.બાળકનામાનસિકસ્વાસ્થ્યસંબંધિતવર્તનનુંમૂલ્યાંકનતેમજકાઉન્સેલિંગ,કન્સલ્ટેશન, માતાપિતાનીતાલીમ, બીહેવીયરમોડીફિકેશનમાંફેરફારઅનેયોગ્યશિક્ષણકાર્યક્રમોનુંજ્ઞાન.

Cognition services – identifying cognitive delays and providing intervention to enhance cognitive development, adaptive and learning behaviors.

કોગ્નિસનસેવાઓ–માનસિકરીતેઅસ્વસ્થબાળકોનોIQ એસેસમેન્ટકરીકાઉન્સેલિંગકરવામાંઆવેછે.

Speech-language pathology – services for children with delay in communication skills or with motor skills such as weakness of muscles around the mouth or swallowing.


Vision services – identification of children with visual disorders or delays and providing services and training to those children. Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) – for premature or preterm children.

વિઝનસેવાઓ - દ્રષ્ટિખામીતથાઆંખનારોગોધરાવતાબાળકોનીઓળખઅનેતેબાળકોનેસેવાઓઅનેતાલીમપૂરીપાડવી. રેટિનોપેથીઓફપ્રિમેચ્યોરિટીની (ROP)અધૂરામહિનેજન્મેલાબાળકોમાટે.

Social support services – preparing an assessment of the social and emotional strengths and needs of a child and family, and providing individual or group services such as counseling. Socio economic evaluation of the family and linkages with the need based social services.

સામાજિકસહાયસેવાઓ - બાળકઅનેપરિવારનીસામાજિકઅનેભાવનાત્મકશક્તિઓઅનેજરૂરિયાતોનુંમૂલ્યાંકનતૈયારકરવુંઅનેકાઉન્સેલિંગજેવીવ્યક્તિગતસેવાઓપ્રદાનકરવી. સરકારનીવિવિધસામાજિકઅનેઆર્થિકસહાયયોજનાઓનીસમજૂતીઆપવી.

Psycho-social services – includes designing learning environments and activities that promote the child’s development, providing families with information, skills, and support to enhance the child’s development

સાયકો-સોશિયલસેવાઓ - બાળકનાવિકાસનેપ્રોત્સાહનઆપતીપ્રવૃત્તિઓનીઅનેશૈક્ષણિકવાતાવરણપૂરુંપાડવામાંઆવેછે.બાળકનાવિકાસમાંવધારોકરવામાટેકૌટુંબિકમાહિતી, કૌશલ્યઅનેસહાયપૂરુંપાડવામાંઆવેછે.